Staff supervision of students begins at 7:20 a.m. in the lunch court. Children participating in the Breakfast Program should arrive at 7:20 a.m. and no later than 7:30 a.m.. For safety reasons, children should not arrive on campus before 7:20 unless they are participating in PRIME TIME, the before and after school program.
Student Drop Off
The staff parking lot is only for Whitman Staff. ALL students should be dropped off on the North side of Appleton, or students need to walk to crosswalks. Under NO circumstances should students be dropped of the the south side of the street, then cross in front of the school.
Parents who drive students to and from school should be aware of the serious traffic hazard caused by double parking on Appleton Street before and after school when buses, cars, bicycles and pedestrians converge. To alleviate congestion, we ask that you please, do not double park in front of the school or enter the parking lot to pick up your child. The parking lot is for staff only during drop off and pick up hours. The San Diego Police Department does cite those who do not adhere to traffic regulations.
The San Diego Police Department suggests that students in Grades 4-5 may ride their bicycles to school. Although Whitman Elementary has designated an area for students to park bicycles, the San Diego Unified School District is not responsible and assumes no liability for theft, damage, or loss of use to any bicycle, equipment or article left on same. Helmets are required by CA State Law and students not wearing helmets may lose the privilege of parking their bike on school. All Bikes, scooters, and skateboards must be walked on campus. Be kind to pedestrians, and give pedestrians the right of way. Skateboards and Scooters need to be locked up in the bike area.
Students are dismissed promptly at 1:55 p.m. (12:00 p.m. on Wednesdays) and should leave campus immediately upon dismissal, unless they are participating in an after school activity.
Student Pick Up
Please meet your child at a designated spot or at the front entrance. Cars are not to enter the parking lot at any time between the hours of 7:00 a.m. through 7:45am and 1:45 through 2:15 p.m. Please ensure the safety of all students by not parking in the bus loading area or asking your child(ren) to cross the street only at a crosswalk. The school's main concern is for the health and safety of your children.
If you are more than 10 minutes late to pick up a student, please go to the front office. You may be asked to provide identification. Please review the Visitors Policy page for additional information.